Roaming Africa’s Wilds

Africa unexpectedly awakens one’s soul. This work celebrates the wild and exotic diversity of Africa.
An authentic style of her own, sought out by collectors around the globe, these COLLECTIONS display a powerful reminder that Africa is a magnificent, yet endangered treasure.

Chasing the Extraordinary
Overwhelmed by the reckless beauty, the early years were captured in vivid color. As the world changed rapidly with technology, Piper developed a sophisticated monochromatic style retracing her footsteps to create images with a powerful glimpse into the raw, wild, and remote lands she first explored.
Piper Mackay has been roaming Africa’s wilds since 2004; capturing the journey as she lived it. Her endless dedication in the field has earned her place as one of the leading fine art photographers of Africa. LEARN MORE ABOUT PIPER

The Expeditions
“From the moment my feet hit the rich red soil I was changed. The sights, the smells, the sounds, the raw and wild spaces, it was magic that one cannot explain only in words or images; itis a place one must feel to completely understand.
Deep in the experience, surrounded by exotic wildlife or exotic tribes, is when I feel most alive. In Africa, I am where I belong.”
On her solo remote expeditions, Piper spends countless hours in the tribal communities developing deep lifelong friendships. Roaming the wilds in her own Landrover, endless days are spent in the bush passionately intrigued by the behavior of the wildlife and ecosystems.
Learn more through the stories in her JOURNAL

For the past decade, I have witnessed Piper Mackay’s masterful skill to capture remarkable images across the African Continent. Whether it be members of the Omo Tribes in Ethiopia, or cheetahs in the Maasai Mara, Piper Mackay possesses the unique ability to create images of wildlife and members of the human family in such a manner that we are magically transported to those scenes and seeing life to the fullest with our own eyes.
David Dolan
Contributing Editor of the Explorers Journal of the Explorers Club

Piper’s deep love of Africa inspired her to champion development programs that lend vital aid while respecting the autonomy of the people.
Our open edition FUNDRAISING PRINTS for wildlife conservation and tribal communities offer you the opportunity to share Piper’s commitment to preserving Africa. Learn more of our efforts under GIVING BACK.